
I created this page to share printmaking information and learn together. If you have any comments or questions feel free to share them at the bottom of any article!

Jay Caskie Jay Caskie

Why Am I Sharing This?

I’ve always found the printmaking community very generous when it comes to sharing knowledge and giving advice. Maybe it’s something about the inherently collaborative…

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Jay Caskie Jay Caskie

The Best Linocut Tools

Here are the tools I use for linocut printmaking. Some of my favourites, what I like and dislike about each, and what I recommend for beginners…

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Jay Caskie Jay Caskie

The Best Inks for Relief Printing

I recommend staying away from any water-based inks. These are recommended a lot to beginners but I find they dry out so quickly and are impossible to get a good print with. Try a…

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Jay Caskie Jay Caskie

Wood Engraving vs. Woodcut

Wood engraving and woodcut printing are similar as they are both types of relief printmaking but they require different tools and processes…

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