Why Am I Sharing This?

I’ve learned so much over the years - and still do - by watching other artists’ processes online. I always appreciate when other printmakers share their knowledge, and I like the idea of helping to make printmaking more accessible for everyone.

I’ve found the printmaking community very generous when it comes to sharing knowledge and giving advice. Maybe it’s something about the inherently collaborative and democratic nature of printmaking, or because we’re all just big nerds when it comes to print stuff and are eager to share, I’m not sure!

Either way, I thought I would create this page as a place to share resources and learn together. 

If you have any comments please feel free to share them at the bottom any of the articles - maybe you have a favourite printmaking paper, tips for sourcing supplies in the country you live in, or a question you’d like answered? 

By the way, I’m not affiliated with any of the sites I link. I just want to make it easy to find the products :)


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